Effects of sapota part and extracting solvent on in vitro anti-aging properties of Manilkara zapota extract

A Tansirikongkol


Keywords: Antioxidant; Anti-collagenase; Anti-elastase; Manilkara zapota; polyphenols


Objectives: The aim of this study is to investigate effects of sapota part and extracting solvent on in vitro anti-aging activities including antioxidant, anti-collagenase and anti-elastase activities of sapota extract.

Methods: Three samples, including fresh pulp, dry pulp, and seed, were prepared and extracted by maceration technique. After obtaining the crude extracts, antioxidant activities of all extracts were investigated by DPPH radical scavenging assay. The selected extracts were, thus, further screened for anti-collagenase and anti-elastase activities by using EnzChek® assay kits.

Results: The results revealed that extracting solvents and sapota parts affected  extraction yields and in vitro anti-aging biological activities of sapota extracts. Ethyl acetate extracts exhibited low percent yield of roughly less than 2% wt. comparing with ethanolic extracts, which presented more than 10% yields. In addition, the highest yields of 34.53% wt. were observed in 60% ethanolic dried pulp extracts. Ethyl acetate extracts of fresh pulp showed the highest antioxidant activity among other extracts with IC50 of 37.78 μg/mL. However, 60% ethanolic and 95% ethanolic fresh pulp extracts were selected for further investigation on anti-proteinase activities due to their moderate antioxidant activities with considerable yield. Both 60% ethanolic and 95% ethanolic fresh pulp extracts at concentration of 140 μg/mL exhibited moderate collagenase inhibition with percent inhibitions of 66.42% and 64.66%, respectively. In contrast, 95% ethanolic fresh pulp extract showed stronger inhibitory effects with 47.74% inhibition on elastase activity than that of 60% ethanolic fresh pulp extracts.

Conclusion: The differences in extraction yields and in vitro anti-aging activities of sapota extracts were affected by types of extracting solvents and sapota parts. The present study revealed that fresh pulp extracted with 95% ethanol possessed moderate inhibitory effects on DPPH radical scavenging and collagenase activities, but showed strong elastase inhibition activity among other extracts. 

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